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FST-7 Tip Does Age Affect Training and Recovery?

FST-7 Tip Does Age Affect Training and Recovery?

In this week's FST-7 Tip of The Week powered by Evogen Nutrition Hany Rambod answers the question does age affect training and recovery? Truth be told, yes 100%, but you need to train smarter as oppose to harder when you get older. The 22X Olympia winning coach explains why time under tension is important to optimize mind muscle connection. 

Related Article: Time Under Tension: Your Best Friend with Limited Equipment

One thing is for certain in this life, aging is going to take place. You may still look great into your 40s, 50s, 60s, and higher, but the fact of the matter is that many who are younger ask the question, "Does age affect training and recovery?" Those with more time under their belt and time under the bar will tell you that aging can drastically alter your ability to train hard and recover fast.

In fact, many people who are getting up in age complain about being sore way longer than they did back in their 20s. Hany Rambod breaks all of this down and answers the age-old question, does age affect training and recovery? Don't miss it!

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