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Effective Rehydration with Coconut Water Powder

Effective Rehydration with Coconut Water Powder

Coconut water has been a hot beverage for those looking to improve their recovery as well as aid in rehydration following time out in the heat or even during or post-workout.  The issue arises when it comes to the supplement industry and how to package such a useful ingredient.  You could absolutely use it in its natural liquid form, but that tends to get a little pricy when it comes to shipping out liquids and the final price point on shelf.  Therefore, the next best thing would be to create a coconut water powder that supplement companies create by freeze-drying the actual coconut water. 

For the most part, you can find coconut water powder in various supplement formulations as well as a standalone product.  Which one is best for you depends on your specific needs and circumstances of when you plan on utilizing such a powerful ingredient.

Before we get into the benefits of coconut water powder, let’s first talk about what exactly coconut water is as well as where exactly it comes from.


What Is Coconut Water? 

As you would assume, coconut water is simply the liquid portion of the coconut.  Generally, young coconuts are used rather than the older and more mature variants. 

If you’ve ever been somewhere tropical, you’ve probably experienced or have at least seen a coconut cut at the top and a straw inserted.  What they are essentially doing is allowing people to drink the natural water that is contained inside the hard outer shell of the coconut (it doesn’t get any fresher than straight from the source).

Nearly all of the coconut (around 96%) is made up of water.  Not only is coconut water extremely refreshing, but it contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals, protein, and natural sugar.


Creating Coconut Water Powder

To create a powdered version, as mentioned earlier, the liquid is generally freeze-dried.  Once freeze-dried, it can be put into various supplements or as a standalone product by itself.  When the consumer is ready to use a serving, all they need to do is mix it with water or a beverage of their choice.


What Are the Benefits of Coconut Water Powder?

  1. Proper Rehydration

First and foremost, the main reason most people supplement with coconut water powder is for the rehydration benefits.  Whether you are engaging in an endurance event such as a marathon or simply training hard in the gym, coconut water is a natural way to keep the body properly hydrated.  Coconut water is high in potassium, sodium, vitamin C, calcium, and electrolytes to help replenish what was lost through sweat.

When used intra-workout or during an athletic competition in or out of the heat, coconut water powder can help prevent you from getting dehydrated which can decrease your performance.  This leads us nicely into our next benefit.


  1. Improve Athletic Performance

Athletes and gym-goers alike can greatly benefit from mixing up a beverage containing coconut water powder.  When you do a side-by-side comparison between coconut water powder and today’s sports drinks, they are drastically different.  If you want to skip all of the added sugar and artificial flavors, your best bet is to go with a coconut water powder.  Now granted, not all coconut water powder supplements are created equal, which means you need to read the label to ensure there isn’t a bunch of junk added to it. 

Coconut water powder can help you push through grueling workouts while also helping to speed up your recovery process to keep you performing your best each and every day.  In addition, coconut water powder can help reduce the amount of soreness you feel following a grueling workout or exhausting athletic event.

Something else that is noteworthy with coconut water powder is that it’s rich in powerful antioxidants.  If you want to perform your best, you’re going to want to be able to combat free radicals and oxidative stress from negatively affecting your body and its ability to function optimally.  


  1. Boost Energy Levels

Thanks to the natural sugars as well as the vitamins and minerals found in coconut water powder, you can increase your energy levels (without the need for caffeine or other stimulants).  This can be extremely helpful during workouts or athletic events where stamina and endurance come into play.  Your ability to maximize your performance and energy is essential to getting a competitive edge.

During and/or following workouts or athletic events is an ideal time to replenish glycogen stores so that you have adequate energy for the next day.  Your ability to increase energy stores can mean the difference between performing optimally and hitting the wall extremely quickly and throwing in the towel.


  1. Easy to Mix

The nice thing about coconut water powder is that it’s extremely easy to mix in the beverage of your choice.  Toss it in a shaker cup or blender – it doesn’t matter.  With a few shakes or spins in the blender, the powder will be completely dissolved and dispersed in the liquid.  No clumping, no chunks, no chalky residue.

Whether you decide to mix it with water to rehydrate after a long day in the sun and heat, tossed into an intra-workout product, or even used in a post-workout shake or smoothie, you can reap all of the benefits regardless of the beverage you decide to use it with.



Stay Hydrated and Stay in the Fight 

Regardless of how you choose to use coconut water powder, it can be a valuable resource to have at your disposal.  The last thing you want to be your limiting factor during training or athletic competition is your hydration level.   

If you want to ensure you stay hydrated and allow for peak performance (both physically and mentally), you’re going to want a high-quality coconut water powder that covers all of the bases and puts you in a position to win.  What product can do that?  Evogen Nutrition Amino K.E.M. 

The specific formula used in Amino K.E.M. can increase blood flow to shuttle oxygen and key nutrients to the working muscles, support muscle growth through the inclusion of all nine essential amino acids, as well as improve your hydration levels through the use and power of coconut water powder. 

When you demand the best to keep you safe and maximize performance, look no further than Evogen Nutrition Amino K.E.M.!

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