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The Story Behind Hydration: Why I Created It

The Story Behind Hydration: Why I Created It

What’s up, guys? I hope you are well. It’s not often that I have the time to sit down and put together a written piece of content for you. Typically, I like to jump on my podcast and speak my mind on varying topics or make something for social media. But when it came to launching our newest product, Evogen Nutrition Hydration, I wanted to be sure we got the information out on every content platform we have at our disposal.

For that reason, it’s you and me today.

While every new launch is important to me, the drop of Hydration hits home with me on a deeper level, which is why I wanted to share this content with you.

As someone who has spent decades in the trenches with elite athletes, I know firsthand how crucial hydration is to performance. But it’s not just about keeping the body hydrated; it’s about fueling the mind, maximizing recovery, and pushing past the limits that define greatness.

Far too many people consider hydration something you only need to worry about when you’re training with maximum intensity or outside in the heat where you’re sweating profusely. While it’s accurate that both of those scenarios come into play with your hydration, that’s only part of the equation — and I’ve found that out the hard way.

Let me explain.

My Hydration at the Olympia Suffers Every Year

I’ve never really done this, but I want to take you inside my life during the Olympia and some behind-the-scenes “real talk” that takes place.

If you’ve ever seen me at the Olympia, I may look calm and collected with a smile on my face, but the truth is I’m sleep deprived, I’m weak, I’m stressed, my immune system is taking jabs and right hooks, my energy is falling faster than a meteor falling from the sky, and through it all, I’m still loving every minute.

While a good night’s sleep at the Olympia would be great, I simply can’t with all of my athletes. I may be able to get anywhere from 45 minutes to a couple of hours, but then I’m back on my feet checking on my athletes, making sure they have everything they need, seeing how their bodies are responding, and making any necessary changes to help them peak.

Unfortunately, the last thing on my mind is taking care of myself, and that’s where I slowly find myself getting more and more dehydrated because I simply don’t have time to drink fluids, let alone even think about it.

When the show is over, and my athletes walk off the stage, I get a slight breather, an hour or two to sleep, and then I’m back on a plane, either traveling with an athlete to train or heading back to Texas to take care of business at Evogen HQ.

That said, after just about every Olympia, I get home and find I’m sick with something. I started to ask myself why that was, and what I’ve come to realize is that when I’m not only stressed but also dehydrated, my immune system is weakened, making me more prone to coming down with some sort of bug.

What I’ve been doing lately at the Olympia is getting an IV. Not because I’m dehydrated, but rather to be preventative, knowing what I know now about my body and my crazy schedule at the show.

With the IV I can work with my clients, get all the nutrients and fluids my body needs, and be able to provide my athletes with everything I have to help them take home first place.

So, selfishly, I knew if I needed something better for my hydration, athletes, and those who live active lifestyles. Getting an IV and trying to run around a show (while necessary) was not convenient, and I knew the answer would be to create the best hydration supplement anyone has ever seen.

When you look at what’s available today, much of what you’ll find is sugar water with some low-dose electrolytes in it. That’s not nearly enough, in my opinion, and I knew we could do better.

When creating Evogen Nutrition Hydration, I knew we needed to take hydration to the next level and expand upon your typical sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium ingredients. I formulated what I feel is the next evolution in hydration, and I think you’re going to love it.

Let’s dive a little deeper into things as well as look at what Evogen Nutrition Hydration can offer you.

The Need for More Than Just Hydration

Over the years, I’ve seen countless athletes struggle with fatigue, cramping, and mental fog during intense training sessions. They’d turn to various hydration products, but most of them only scratched the surface. They replaced a few lost minerals but didn’t address the bigger picture: the need for a comprehensive solution that supports both physical and mental performance.

I wanted to create a product that did more than just quench thirst and replace some electrolytes. I wanted something that could power an athlete’s entire system, ensuring they could maintain peak performance, stay focused, and recover faster — all without relying on sugar or stimulants.

A Formula That Elevates Performance

When designing Evogen Nutrition Hydration, I knew it had to be different. It wasn’t enough to include just electrolytes; I needed to bring in ingredients that would elevate the performance.

That’s why I focused on a synergistic blend of coconut water powder, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium in the perfect ratios to maximize hydration and performance. This combination does more than rehydrate; it helps optimize fluid balance, prevent cramping, and accelerate recovery so you can keep pushing harder.

But I didn’t stop there. Hydration isn’t just about the body; it’s about the mind, too. That’s where citicoline (CDP choline) comes in. This potent cognitive enhancer is truly amazing.

By supporting mental clarity and focus, citicoline helps you maintain the mind-muscle connection that’s so crucial during intense training. Whether you’re an elite athlete or a gym rat, this ingredient ensures you stay sharp, no matter how hard you’re pushing.

Sustained Energy Without the Crash or Use of Stimulants

Energy is another critical piece of the puzzle. Athletes need sustained energy to power through grueling training sessions, but most options on the market are loaded with sugar or stimulants that lead to a crash.

I wanted to provide a clean, effective source of energy that wouldn’t let you down when you need it most. That’s why I included B vitamins and taurine in the formula. These ingredients work at the cellular level to boost energy production, ensuring you have the stamina to push through your toughest sessions.

My thought process is that if you wanted caffeine, you could always add it in addition to Evogen Nutrition Hydration. But if I put caffeine in the formula, you can’t take it out, so creating the caffeine-free formula just made sense and allows you some flexibility based on your individual wants and needs.

Raising the Bar for Hydration

Evogen Nutrition Hydration isn’t just another product on the shelf; it’s the result of years of experience, research, and a deep understanding of what athletes truly need.

We didn’t create the hydration category, but we’re raising the bar and setting a new standard. This isn’t just about replenishing what’s lost during training — it’s about optimizing performance from both a mental and physical standpoint.

So, when you reach for Evogen Nutrition Hydration, you’re not just hydrating; you’re fueling with purpose. You’re choosing a product that’s been crafted to help you unlock your full potential, break through plateaus, and achieve greatness.

Remember, it’s not just about hydration — it’s about elevating your performance to the next level. That’s what Evogen Nutrition Hydration is all about. Try it for yourself and experience what an advanced hydration supplement can do for you.

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