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5 Benefits of EVP AQ Liquid Glycerol Supplement

5 Benefits of EVP AQ Liquid Glycerol Supplement

What typically comes to mind when you think of most pre-workouts on the market today? It’s probably something that is either extremely high stim or something that is loaded with a bunch of vasodilation ingredients to support an insane pump, right? But what about a liquid glycerol supplement like Evogen Nutrition EVP AQ?

What is the purpose of a straight liquid glycerol supplement to be used as a pre-workout? Why would you lean towards something like EVP AQ over other pre-workouts on the market? 

The answer is quite simple… BENEFITS and RESULTS.

It doesn’t get any simpler or more complex than that.

When Hany Rambod was formulating EVP AQ, he could have made it similar to all the other pre-workouts you see on the market, and he could have even made it in a powdered form like what you’d normally find on the shelves of supplement retailers today. But Hany isn’t known for following trends.

Hany Rambod wanted a product he could use with his athletes that would help them perform at a high level in the gym, maximize their workouts, and support the often-forgotten hydration aspect of pre-workouts on the market today. 

It just so happens that he hit the mark with this liquid glycerol supplement and that while it’s strong enough for the most elite athletes he works with, it also works just as well with gym enthusiasts who want to get in there, crush a workout, and see the results they desire without looking to step on a bodybuilding stage.

Related Article: What’s the Difference Between Liquid Glycerol & Powdered Glycerol?

In this article, we are going to take a deeper dive into EVP AQ, look at why you may want to add a liquid glycerol supplement into your routine, and what you can experience through its use.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, making changes to your nutrition plan, or adding any new supplements into your current routine.


Benefits and Advantages of Using EVP AQ Liquid Glycerol Supplement 

Whether you’re a gym rat who finds yourself in the gym daily or a fitness enthusiast who focuses on getting in workouts over the weekend, you can experience some great benefits when adding a liquid glycerol supplement like EVP AQ into your regimen.

The obvious first point of differentiation between a powder versus a liquid is the delivery system. EVP AQ is a pure liquid glycerol supplement and doesn’t use silica to increase the serving size like what you’d find in powdered versions (more on this further on in the article). 

Additionally, to get the same results with a powdered glycerol, you would need around 10x as much to match a pure liquid glycerol supplement. 

But let’s dive into some of the most noteworthy benefits that you can experience when adding a liquid glycerol supplement like EVP AQ to your pre-workout routine.


1. Cartoonish Muscle Pumps 

One of the goals many fitness and gym enthusiasts look for when it comes to working out and pre-workouts is the coveted pump. The feeling of your muscles engorged with blood, causing them to look and feel full, can be enough to have you do a double-take in the gym mirror when you walk by.

Related Article: FST-7 — Why Use Plain Glycerol in EVP AQ for Muscle Pumps?

With the osmotic properties of a liquid glycerol supplement helping increase blood flow, you can experience more blood being pushed into the working muscles, delivering oxygenated blood, water, and nutrients throughout your vascular system to provide you with insane pumps that you’d only find in cartoons.


2. Enhanced Hyper-Hydration

An aspect of your workouts that is incredibly vital, yet no one seems to focus on, is your hydration. If you were to lose as little as 2% of your body weight through sweat (which is incredibly plausible), you could see a massive drop in your performance levels.

A study even found that glycerol is better at supporting hydration levels than the fancy sports drinks out there on the market.

By utilizing a liquid glycerol supplement like EVP AQ, you can help stabilize your hydration levels. That said, it is still ideal to drink water intra-workout to further support proper hydration.

Furthermore, improving hydration levels is key when exercising in a hot gym or outdoors in the hot summer months, as your sweat production tends to increase in these types of conditions.


3. Improve Workout Performance 

Your ability to push yourself during your workouts and training can help you achieve the results you desire. With each workout, you should strive to do more through progressive overload. But there are some instances where your performance lacks, and you may feel like you’re simply going through the motions in the gym. 

The last thing you want to feel is as if you’re sandbagging your workouts.

That’s where a liquid glycerol supplement shines. 

By adding a liquid glycerol supplement into your pre-workout routine like EVP AQ, you can improve your performance

Add in the fact that (as mentioned above) staying properly hydrated can also support your performance levels and prevent it from taking a nosedive, you have yourself a powerful pre-workout supplement that can help take your results to the next level.


4. Easy to Stack

If you’re someone who likes to stack supplements together to get a desired (or compounding) effect, EVP AQ is perfect.

Whether you want a flavored liquid glycerol supplement or an unflavored one, you can easily combine EVP AQ with your favorite pre-workouts. 

EVP AQ is stimulant-free and can be stacked with a stim pre-workout like EVP Xtreme N.O. or with other non-stim pre-workouts like EVP-3D

Your imagination is the limit when stacking EVP AQ with your favorite pre-workouts, fat burners, and even amino acid (EAA and BCAA) supplements.


5. Mixes Instantly Without GI Issues 

Have you ever attempted to mix up a powdered supplement, only to find yourself chewing chunks of powder that clumped and never dissolved? You’re not alone. It’s dreadful.

Through the use of a liquid glycerol supplement, you don’t have those issues. EVP AQ dissolves quickly and easily when poured in your favorite beverages. Watch as it instantly dissolves, leaving behind no powdery residue, no clumps, and no mess that you need to clean up.

Best of all, unlike many powdered glycerol supplements, EVP AQ liquid glycerol supplement doesn’t cause any GI issues because it does not contain silica like its powdered counterparts use.

Overall, using a liquid glycerol supplement is a win-win from every angle you look.


Give EVP AQ Liquid Glycerol Supplement with Patented S7 a Try Today!

EVP AQ utilizes a patented ingredient from Futureceuticals called S7® — a plant-based, seven-ingredient supplement with massive benefits to its name.

Related Article: S7 — A Combination of 7 Plants for Insane Pumps

Futureceuticals claims that S7® can boost circulating nitric oxide concentration by 230% compared to baseline. They also mention that supplementing with S7® provides long-term nitric oxide support, increasing nitric oxide concentrations by as much as 53% after 90 days of use.

So, what are you waiting for? Add EVP AQ to your pre-workout supplement routine and experience the power of this liquid glycerol supplement for yourself!


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