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Lauren Findley Trains Biceps at Pearl Street Gym

Lauren Findley Trains Biceps at Pearl Street Gym

Team Evogen's NPC Figure athlete Lauren Findley trains biceps at Pearl St Gym in Long Branch ahead of the NPC South Jersey Championships on June 10th in Medford, NJ. 

Lauren Findley is known for her amazing physique, one that many aspire to build. If you're a female looking to take your arm training to the next level, you're going to want to give this workout a try.

Follow along as Lauren Findley trains biceps at Pearl Street Gym. The workout below can help to build your own bulging biceps, or check out the photo gallery from this shoot here. You can also catch part one of Lauren's back and biceps workout here.

Add this to your arm day and see what results you get from its use!

Related Article: FST-7 Prep Mode — Andrei Armed For Battle 5 Weeks Out


DB bicep curl - 3 x 12

Cable curl - 3 x 12-15

EZ bar curl - 3 x 12  


Below are some of the supplements that Lauren used when she trains biceps at Pearl Street Gym.


1 scoop EVP

1 Scoop Lipocide IR


1 scoop AminoJect


1 scoop GlycoJect

1 Scoop Cell K.E.M. 

Learn all about it here.

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